Compound butter is a delicious way to add flavour to meats, vegetables, or warm bread. It is made by mixing butter with ingredients like garlic, herbs, and spices. And the best part is, it is extremely easy to make at home!

To make compound butter, you will need some unsalted butter at room temperature. This will allow you to blend it with other ingredients smoothly and adjust the saltiness to your taste. You will also need some fresh or dried herbs, spices, or aromatics of your choice. You can use a food processor to chop and mix them with the butter, or you can do it by hand in a bowl with a spoon or spatula.

Here are some steps to follow:

·         Wash and dry your fresh herbs if using them. Then chop them finely.

·         In a food processor or a bowl, combine the butter with the herbs and any other ingredients you want. You can add salt, pepper, lemon zest, garlic, cheese, nuts, or anything else that suits your flavour profile.

·         Mix well until everything is evenly distributed.

·         Transfer the butter mixture to a sheet of parchment paper or plastic wrap. Shape it into a log and wrap it tightly.

·         Refrigerate the butter until firm or freeze it for longer storage.

·         Slice off pieces of the butter as needed and enjoy!

That's it! You have just made your own compound butter in 5 minutes. You can use it to enhance your dishes and impress your guests with your culinary skills. Have fun experimenting with different combinations and flavours!

And we have prepared some delicious Compound butter for you, prepare the ingredients then follow the steps above and voila! You got yourself some delicious compound butter!

Garlic Chive Dill

1  cup unsalted butter, at room temp

1½ tablespoon finely chopped dill

1½ tablespoon finely chopped chives

1  clove garlic, grated

1  teaspoon sea salt

Spicy Gochujang Butter

1 cup unsalted butter, at room temp

8-10 stalks Scallions, charred or grilled on a skillet

sice them into small pieces

2-3 tbsp gochujang (Korean red pepper paste)

Cajun Butter

1cup unsalted butter, at room temp

1 tablespoon paprika

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons white pepper

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon oregano, dried

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, adjust to desired spice level

½ teaspoon thyme, dried